Envío de Trabajos

Invitamos a enviar artículos tanto sobre los sistemas participantes en la tarea como sobre la problemática de la traducción automática de tweets (sistemas, análisis de errores, evaluación…)

Call For Papers

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Tweet Translation Workshop


co-located with the 31st Conference of the Spanish Society for Natural Language Processing (SEPLN 2015)

Submission deadline: July 30, 2015 (extended)
Date: September 15, 2015
Location: Alicante, Spain

The TweetMT workshop will deal with the linguistic processing of tweets and short texts in tasks related to machine translation, cross-lingual and multilingual processing. It will bring together researchers within the broad scope of using natural language processing techniques for processing tweets in different languages, with the aim of discussing tasks required for and depending on the development of machine translation tools for short texts.

Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:
* Machine translation approaches for short and informal texts.
* Development and annotation of Twitter corpora for machine translation.
* Evaluation of machine translation of tweets.
* Language identification of tweets.
* Normalization of user-generated content.
* Language-specific tweet collection techniques.
* Cross-lingual tweet clustering and classification.
* Cross-lingual tweet retrieval.
* Multilingual event summarization from tweets.
* Multilingual tweet sentiment analysis.


* Machine translation: the TweetMT corpus is available for interested authors by contacting the organizers at tweetmt@elhuyar.com
* Language identification: the TweetLID corpus can be obtained at http://komunitatea.elhuyar.org/tweetlid/resources/#Downloads
* Tweet normalization: the TweetNorm corpus is available at http://komunitatea.elhuyar.org/tweet-norm/resources/#Downloads

Paper submission

TweetMT accepts two different types of submissions:

* Position papers will have a maximum of 2 pages, including references, and will report early results.
* Short papers will have between 4 and 6 pages, excluding references, and will report work in progress.

Submissions can be made through the following Easychair address: https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=tweetmt2015

The papers will be formatted following the SEPLN journal style (http://www.sepln.org/home-2/revista/instrucciones-autor/), and will have a length according to the type of contribution.

We aim to publish the proceedings of the workshop using the ceur-ws.org repository, and have them indexed by DBLP.

Important dates

* July 21: Paper submission deadline
* July 28: Notification to authors
* August 10: Camera ready submission deadline
* September 15: Workshop

Contact: tweetmt@elhuyar.com


Los artículos deben cumplir las siguientes condiciones:

  • Longitud máxima de los artículos:
    • Artículos de descripción de sistemas participantes en la tarea: 4 páginas + referencias
    • Short papers: 6 páginas + referencias
    • Position papers: 2 páginas, incluidas las referencias
  • Formato: los artículos deben tener el formato de SEPLN.
  • Idioma: los artículos pueden ser enviados en Español o Inglés.

Guión recomendado (solo para los participantes en la tarea):

  1. Abstract
  2. Introducción y objetivos
  3. Arquitectura y elementos del sistema
  4. Recursos utilizados
  5. Ajuste y evaluación
  6. Conclusiones y trabajo futuro
  7. Bibliografia

Se recuerda que habrá un artículo recopilatorio que describirá la tarea, el proceso de anotación, los corpus de desarrollo y test y los resultados comparados.


Los artículos han de ser enviados a través de la plataforma Easychair: